Dina Verheyden
Dina Verheyden has been associated with the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen for more than ten years as teacher of Carillon, Ensemble/Handbells, Theory and Technique of the Carillon, Piano, Campanology and Practical Harmony on the Carillon. She also conducts the handbell ensemble Akabella, consisting of students and alumni of the Carillon School. Together with husband Richard de Waardt, she strives to make music and the carillon known and loved by a young audience, among other things through musical workshops (DAARZITMUZIEKIN).
Dina became fascinated with carillon at the age of thirteen and then began her studies at the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen. After obtaining a Master in Music in Singing at the LUCA School of Arts, Lemmens Institute, Leuven, she graduated from the Carillon School in 2007. Later she followed several master classes with different renowned carillonneurs such as Geert D'hollander, Timothy Hurd, Bernard Winsemius.
Dina is carillon teacher at the Institut Supérieur de Musique et Pédagogie (IMEP) in Namur, board member of the Flemish Carillon Society, carillonneur in Mechelen of the Onze-lieve-vrouw over de Dijlekerk and municipal carillonneur of Puurs-Sint Amands. She also sings in several vocal ensembles: Vocem Flentium, Chamber Choir Flanders, Pantarei, and southern and contemporary music in the ensemble Kampa Kampa! (voice/clarinet, accordion, guitar, double bass).