Eddy Mariën
City carillonist Mechelen, Leuven and Halle, carillon teacher Royal Carillon School Mechelen
Eddy Mariën learned the basics of piano and carillon from his stepfather Jef Rottiers. Mariën completed his piano studies at the Music Conservatory of Mechelen and then studied at the Royal Carillon School 'Jef Denyn', where he is now a teacher. At the Lemmens Institute in Leuven he obtained the degree of Master of Music.
He has been appointed city carillonneur in Mechelen, Leuven and Halle, and is also carillonneur of the municipality of Meise, where he was the promoter and advisor for a new carillon. He has been invited to give concerts and lectures in Europe, America, New Zealand and Australia. He has recorded several CDs, including Romantic Carillon Music, Carillon and Guitar, and Carillon Music of Jef Rottiers.
He won first prize in the international carillon competitions in Nijmegen (1989) and Berlin (1991). He has given master classes at Yale University (USA), at the National Palace of Mafra (Portugal), at the Carillon School of Denmark and in Canberra (Australia).